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On the afternoon of December 28, 2011,Eisai Pharmacy Grant Award Ceremony was ceremoniously held at 155 Conference Room, Red Building, Suzhou University. Ms. Yue Wenqin, Vice General Manager of Eisai (China) Inc, Mr. Dong Suxuan, Regional Manager of Basic Treatment Division, Ms Gu Chunmei, Branding Deputy Manager of Digestive Hepatic Disease Division, Mr. Xue Hui, Director of Office of Development Committee of Suzhou University, Mr. Dai Rongming, Secretary of Party & Union Committee of Medical Department, Ms. Jiang Haiyan, CPC Party Secretary of Nursing College, Mr. Ge Zhiqiang, Deputy Dean of Preclinical Medicine & Bioscience College, Mr. Zhang Xuenong, Deputy Dean of Pharmaceutical College attended the award ceremony. The awarding ceremony was moderated by Li Chunhong, Director of Student Affairs Office of Medical Department.